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Baltimore county flag football policies and procedures.

1. Refunds: There will be no refunds after the first week of play. If any child or family decides not to return after week one, they will forfeit their refunds.
2. There will be NO refunds if a player gets injured during the season. Families will be eligible for a discount for the following season.
3. Refunds will not be issue if any parents are unhappy with the league or if their child is on a losing team.
4. There will be no refund if games are canceled due to the weather.
5. Rosters Will be finalize after Kick-off night and there will be NO roster changes.

Weather games:
1. St Paul's school reserve the right to cancel all games due
the conditions of the playing fields.
2. NO GAMES will be rescheduled if games are canceled. Team will resume play based on the record before games where canceled.
3. If the fields aren't closed due to the rain, games will still be played in the rain. Any team that does not show during these games will FORFIT their games.

 Player Attendance:
1. All players must attend each game, each weekend. Any team with 4 players or less will not be eligible to play that day and will count as a FORFIT.
2. Any team that will not have a full roster the week of the game must notify the league director so that week game schedule can be adjusted.

Balti County Flag Football League

Baltimore, Maryland 21236

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